
Please find below a list of organisations and resources we hope are helpful for everyone during this crisis (and beyond!).

This is by no means an exhaustive list (and will be under constant review).

If you have any recommendations of resources and organisations that should be included here, please contact 


The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network

Black Minds Matter

SHOUT - A text based helpline so good if you need to chat to someone but don’t want to do so over the phone.

Selected Therapists with cheaper rates by Angel Comedy

NHS urgent mental health helpline

NHS page on money worries and job uncertainty


Helpline numbers:

Samaritans - 116 123 (available 24/7, phone service)

CALM - 0800 585858 (helpline open 5pm-midnight), CALM webchat is also 5pm-midnight

Mind - 0300 123 3393 (9-5 Monday to Friday, for information & signposting)

The Mix - 0808 808 4994 (service for under 25s)

Hopeline - text HOPELINE to 741741 (text based service)